
Virtual Offices Could Ease Rising Workplace Stress

NEW YORK—Are you more stressed this year than you were last year? If so, you aren’t alone. According to a Croner study, 48 percent of adult workers are more or much more stressed today than they were 12 months ago.

What’s causing the stress? And, perhaps more important, what can help? Part of the solution could be virtual offices. But let’s get to the root of this stress first. The factors mentioned in the survey include:

  • Unpaid workloads (57%)

  • Performance pressures (45%)

  • The need to work longer hours (34%)

  • Pay freezes (33%)

"The fact that 48% of the workers we surveyed say they are more stressed as a result of work, than a year ago should be a real wake-up call for employers,” says Amy Paxton, a senior employment consultant at Croner. “At a time when many industries are under such pressure to keep their heads above water, or even survive, employers cannot afford to have such high levels of stress and the associated difficulties it can cause in their organizations.”

The Croner survey asked respondents how they cope with stress. Eating and drinking more alcohol and becoming less friendly towards family, friends and colleagues are all cited as ways of overcoming their worries. But Paxton says employers can reduce stress by improving working conditions, restructuring jobs and allowing more flexible working arrangements.

That includes virtual offices. Virtual offices can empower those telecommuting options. Virtual offices can give employees the freedom to work at least part of the day, or several days of the week, at home. Believe me, they will thank you all year long. Have you considered how a virtual office could help your business drive greater productivity and have happier, healthier employees?

Check out this informative video on dealing with workplace stress:



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