Archives for June 2016

Showing 2 posts. See all posts.


5 Tips for Boosting Your Profits as an Entrepreneur

Building motivation to increase your profits sounds easy, but in actuality self-motivation can be extraordinarily difficult. However, being motivated is a key aspect of improving your personal gains. Here are a few ways you can get started.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Business Travel Deductions

When it comes to tax deductions you’re going to hear the phrase “ordinary and necessary expenses” over and over. Unfortunately for you it’s a bit ambiguous—okay, extremely ambiguous! This can make it difficult on business owners to navigate the tax waters and figure out what the heck is going on, and how they can save money. Throw travel in the mix? Well, things just get a bit more complicated. Throughout this guide, we’ll do our best to demystify the term “ordinary and necessary expenses” and provide you with a few key points that will hopefully make your business travel expenses, well...a lot less expensive.

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