Archives for October 2017

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8 Ways That Good Customer Support Can Drive Sales

Much research has been produced on customer service over the past decade. Studies examine a plethora of issues and propose a comparable number of recommendations. The aggregate business outcome is an improved bottom line—from better operational efficiencies, to higher revenue, to reduced costs.

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Using a Home Business Address vs. Virtual Business Address

Small business owners and solopreneurs—particularly those with service-related businesses—face many challenges while growing their company. The address they'll use for their business is usually an afterthought at best.

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Every Penny Counts: Cutting Costs with Growth in Mind

Going into the fourth quarter, it’s time to start looking at 2018—your strategies, your personnel and your overall costs. You've heard it said, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” When you are pushing as hard as you can to grow your business, every penny counts.

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