Archives for April 2021

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Being a Successful Remote Worker While Caring for Children

Working from home has become a new part of the working reality for many people. According to one recent study, around 71% of employed adults polled stated they were working from home as a result of the pandemic. This practice is also unlikely to be entirely reverted to in-office operations any time soon. While it certainly has its benefits for workers — functioning from a comfortable environment, greater job satisfaction — there are some challenges. 

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Why Location Matters in Business: 5 Reasons and Counting

With the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic aftermath fueling the launch of a record number of businesses, competitive pressures on those new business will be significant. Many may not realize it, but the location of a business plays a pivotal role in its success. Business locations that garner great first impressions and bolster brand awareness and perception will have a competitive edge.

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6 Pandemic Innovations You Can Leverage Even Once Live Events Return

The coronavirus pandemic turned our world upside down and we all had to adapt quickly. In-person seminars shifted online, networking events were canceled, and most of us became a lot more familiar with working remotely. But now that things are slowly opening back up and live events are on the horizon, what pandemic innovations will still be useful?

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5 Things You Didn’t Know Could Be Affecting Your Productivity

According to freelancing platform Upwork, 1 in 4 Americans will be working remotely this year. But with the new normal come challenges in productivity — how do you remain on top of your tasks without a supervisor? And how do you address the different hurdles when it comes to your own productivity? To start off, you would need to identify some of those factors. These are the ones you could be missing:

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What Do New Businesses Really Need to Succeed?

What do businesses need to succeed? When you first start your own company, it's easy to spend time and money on things you think you need to be successful, but don't. While things like a physical office space, a flashy website or a logo may feel like must-haves, in truth they are not at the core of what's required to run a thriving company.

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