Archives for December 2022

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4 Key Factors to Consider When Starting a Business

With 2023 just around the corner you might be feeling the urge to start a new chapter in your life. For some that’s finally kicking bad habits (smoking, drinking, junk food, etc), for others it's all about adding new positive elements into their lives (being more mindful, practicing patience, going to the gym). 

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Live Chat vs. Phone Support: Which Is Right for Your Business?

How businesses engage with customers is crucial. Those that fail to provide their customers with the right answers, at the right time, over the right channel are at a competitive disadvantage. When customers are shopping for products and services, they want the ask questions and have those answered in a timely manner and with the information they need. The same applies when it comes to customer service. When customers need help with shipping issues, product warranties, and help scheduling an appointment for service, they expect businesses to provide them with rapid responses and with the assistance they need.

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Running a Remote Business: How-To Guide

Are you looking to learn how to run a business remotely for the first time? Or are you about to transition your employee operations from in-person to remote? Regardless of the specifics, launching a remote business can be a huge undertaking. 

If you’re hesitant about making the switch, continue reading to see the seven essential steps for running a remote business and the four benefits that come with it. 

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