Archives for August 2017

Showing 4 posts. See all posts.


Why Employee Training-development is Vital for your Startup Growth

When a new hire joins a company, it’s natural to have them shadow a senior employee to learn the ropes. This employee can build off of past experiences to communicate best practices to the new hire - they know what works!

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Using Natural Language Processing for Deeper and Broader Customer Support Insights

There are a lot of customer service channels available today. Customers expect multichannel experiences and the ability to engage via their channel of preference.

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A Crash, a Solution and $400K in Savings

When the stock market crashed and the recession hit in 2008 and 2009, Andlinger & Company had to find a way to stay afloat. 

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Sales: The First Impression

She called me promptly at 11 (a good sign), and I immediately tried to make a “human” connection with her. So, I took a moment to illustrate for her – a day in her life. 

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