Archives for October 2013

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The Top Five FAQs About Live Receptionists

There are some common office sights in the midst of a modern twist. The old coffee pot is now an espresso machine, the snacks in the office are now fresh fruit and veggies instead of powdered donuts, and the receptionist behind the desk is now a live telecommuter at half the cost of an in-house employee.

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Three Signs Your Business May Need a Live Receptionist

It’s tricky starting a business and staying on top of all of the necessary components of building a successful company. Between pulling all-nighters, managing accounts, and scouting new clients and customers, there’s no doubt that a few calls and important messages fell through the cracks when you were single-handedly juggling all of your tasks. But let’s face it, a forgotten conference call here, and a lost voicemail there, negatively impacts the growth and success of your business. It’s probably time to hire a Davinci Live Receptionist.

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