Archives for November 2019

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What Is Call Routing and How Can It Help Your Business

If you travel frequently while trying to run a business, it can be an amazing experience being able to call the world your office, but it can be difficult at the same time.

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Must Have Tools For Online Startup Entrepreneurs

It doesn’t really matter if your startup is a traditional one, or if it is a business that exists entirely on the internet, running a startup is a very demanding job. As an entrepreneur trying to get your break this is definitely not new information to you. But on the bright side there are a lot of tools out there to make some aspects of the online startup entrepreneur gig a whole lot easier. 

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What’s the Strategic Value of a Virtual Office Space?

Digital innovation has transformed virtually every business segment—and this is certainly true when it comes to where, how, and when professionals work. Businesses that still adhere to the 9-to-5 workday and permanent office space where they expect employees to work every day are quickly becoming dinosaurs. And while this transformation applies to many businesses, the deconstruction of the workday affords entrepreneurs and small businesses the greatest opportunities.

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Virtual Offices and Coworking Spaces: How to Make an Office for the Future

How much does the setting where you work affect the work you do? One report found that physical work environments play a larger role in worker productivity than you might think: 69% of the surveyed businesses reported improvements in employee satisfaction and engagement after installing healthier building accommodations. 

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A Beginner's Guide to Building a Remote Team

A few years ago, very few companies would have wanted to hire employees on the other side of the world. Nowadays, as freelancers and digital nomads become increasingly common and tech catches up, remote teams are becoming commonplace. 

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