Archives for May 2019

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The Biggest Problems Solved by a Virtual Receptionist

Solopreneurs and small businesses have overflowing plates. It is difficult for them to keep up with the demands they face. And if they are not careful, they can find themselves spending most of their time answering incoming calls and responding to texts and emails. Add the responsibilities of personal lives—getting kids to school, music lessons, and to before- and after-school activities, running errands, scheduling time to spend with your partner—and things can become very hectic and stressful for small business owners and solopreneurs.

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Ways to Protect Your Online Reputation and Why It Matters

If you want to be a successful business owner in the year 2019, you need to be able to establish and maintain a positive online reputation for your business. 

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9 Next-Level Tips for Your Real Estate Business

The real-estate market is highly competitive, and the percentage of agents who fail is staggering. After five years, just 13 percent who started the journey remain. There are numerous reasons this is the case, and mounds of data and commentary exist—lack of a consistent routine, failure to generate and nurture leads, and inability to stay up to date on the latest trends, among others. 

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Virtual Services put Startups on the Fast Track to Growth

From maintaining your mail communications to scheduling travels, from catering to customer needs to social media marketing, there is virtually nothing that a virtual assistant does not do.

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8 Tips to Improve Your Home-based Business

Starting a business is not an easy undertaking. Entrepreneurs are taking the plunge in growing numbers and hanging out their own shingles. There are veritable benefits such as working as your own boss, increased work-life flexibility, and no one or two hour drives to work in rush-hour traffic.

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