Archives for November 2018

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Etiquette to Remember During a Virtual Meeting

Telecommuting comes with a lot of advantages and freedoms. For example, you can work from the comfort of your own home (or even bedroom), you can wear whatever you want to work, and there’s no bothersome commute. That said, when you interact with other professionals, standard rules of engagement apply, whether you’re conscious of it or not. 

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What is a Virtual Mailbox

Professionals today don’t need to be tied to a physical location, however, their mail does. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if you use a virtual mailbox service. 


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7 Ways a Live Receptionist Can Improve Your Workday

Entrepreneurs have hectic schedules as they go from meeting to meeting and project to project. You often snicker to yourself when someone responds after you tell them what you do, “You work for yourself. It must be nice.”

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