Archives for August 2014

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4 Ways To Reduce Unnecessary Small Business Costs

Reducing unnecessary small business costs doesn’t have to be complicated. Often, cutting out unnecessary expenses can go a long way toward improving your bottom line. A variety of considerations, such as going paperless and utilizing virtual office spaces, to marketing online, can add up and make a huge difference. If you’re looking for ways to maximize profitability and efficiency ...

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Working From Home? Seven Reasons You Need A Professional Business Address

The variety of today’s small businesses runs the gamut—from tech start-ups, to gardening services to law practices. And while each type of small business has different needs, they share some of the same concerns. Dealing with distractions—the dog barking next door, the doorbell ringing and family demands (they do know you’re working, right?)—can be challenging. Certainly every small business needs to be taken as a serious competitor in their resp...

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