Archives for January 2012

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Virtual Office Spaces Vs. Coworking. You Decide.

SAN FRANCISCO-Alternative workplace strategies are so en vogue, what with mobile workers a rising part of the distributed workforce.  Virtual office space offers cost-effective answers. But coworking facilities are gaining momentum among some creative types. The six million-dollar question is--drum roll, please--would a virtual office or a cowork...

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Virtual Offices Use Promotes Lower Stress, Better Work-Life Balance

NEW YORK—In our final review of the new report from Ipsos for Reuters News on telecommuting and its implications for virtual office space, we’re going to take a look on how telecommuting impacts stress levels and work-life balance initiatives, as well as its role in keeping women on board.

First, let’s look at women and telecommuting. A strong majority of employ... Read more

How to Set Up Your Virtual Office Space

NEW YORK—5.2 million. That’s the current number of telecommuters in America, according to the National Resources Defense Council. And that number is only growing. By 2016, the number of people working from home is expected to rise by 69 percent.

More employers—even those who resisted the trend until recently—are setting up offices in employees’ homes and realizing the cost savings of allowing them to telecommute from a v...

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