Virtual News

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10 Ways You Can Maintain Your Company’s Culture in a Virtual Work Environment

We’ve seen dramatic change to how businesses operate over the past two years. Businesses that were adamantly opposed to remote or even hybrid work arrangements were thrust into virtual work models. Contrary to what many business leaders and managers thought would happen, workers did not shirk their responsibilities and their productivity actually improved.

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Creating an Airbnb for Offices

Davinci CEO, Martin Senn, talks about his upbringing in Switzerland and what led him to towards an entrepreneurial pursuit in the business world. Listen to the podcast now!

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Here’s What Happens When Giving Back Is In Your Workspace DNA

Flexible workspace operators across the globe are constantly carrying out acts of social good. Some do it by donating space, others by volunteering time, and others by providing mentorship. In the end, it’s not the how that matters but the why (and just the fact of doing it).

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Benefits of a Virtual Office Address [Infographic]

There are several reasons to go with a Virtual Office Address vs. a Physical Office.  Here at Davinci we are big supporters of the Virtual Office.  We've put together an infographic to explain a few of the benefits.

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Guest Post: Digital Focus Drives Customer Experience for Davinci Virtual Office Solutions

LivePerson published a post on their blog about Davinci Virtual Office Solutions.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 15:01

Mathematician, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer, Leonardo Davinci, the epitome of the Renaissance, possessed unquenchable curiosity unbridled imagination. These ideals were foundational pillars when two business partners—Bill Grodnik, CEO, an...

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