Archives for March 2016

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How Virtual Offices Can Enhance The Meeting Effectiveness Of Remote Employees

Employees who are supported; perhaps encouraged or required to by some organizations today; and can work remotely, enjoy a number of advantages to bank on, as long as they deliver the goods on what’s expected of them to produce. Most relish the fact that they can work at their own pace and basically make their own schedule that suits their critically important work-life balancing needs. And they save on commuting time and costs, to boot. For the ever-increasing socially and environmentally conscious class of workers populating today’s newer working ranks, it saves on carbon foot-printing, which makes them, and Mother Nature very, very happy.

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“Walking the Talk” When It Comes to Customer Experience

Talking and walking should be synonymous when it comes to customer experience. But the reality is that many businesses fail when it comes to “walking a good talk.” And money talks in this case. More than 90 percent of marketing budgets is spent trying to get customers to call; only six percent is actually spent on the operations for handling the call.

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Overcoming The Challenge Of The Need For Physical Office Space

The demand for Virtual Office space continues to gain momentum. The ‘must have a physical office’ paradigm is losing oomph.

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