Archives for January 2021

Showing 8 posts. See all posts.


Dos and Don'ts of Opening a Business in Los Angeles

Opening a business in Los Angeles is something many people dream about. All the glitz and glamour of Tinseltown has been attracting people to Los Angeles for many decades now, and being successful in LA is like a badge of honor among entrepreneurs. 

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2021 – The Year of the Virtual Office!

Entrepreneurs and company leaders are now adapting way beyond the initial safety challenges and short-term emergency measures. It is now very apparent that how businesses operate and people work has changed forever. Permanent office environments simply no longer represent a viable option. 

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Dental Office Overhead Breakdown and Budget Tips

Most businesses are looking to reduce their costs as they try to recover the ground they lost during the covid-19 pandemic, since making more revenue seems to be a very difficult alternative to be successful in 2021. This focus applies to any type of business and dental offices aren’t the exception. 


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How Increased Remote Work Changes Coworking Communication

No matter the product or focus, companies thrive on communication, and offices are designed to promote an optimal environment for both collaboration and focus. As these trends have changed over time, so has the office environment. We saw the rise of high-walled cubicles in response to a desire for focused work and separation, followed by the open floor plan style that is popular in modern offices, as the focus shifted to collaboration and community. Remote work, the newest format on the scene, is still finding its balance.

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3 Ways To Build Customers’ Trust

Trust is everything in the business universal. Do you have a special service or company that you entrust with your personal data? You probably understand that building that sense of reputation takes a constant commitment to integrity and is not an easy process.

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