Archives for April 2010

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The Value of Virtual Offices in a Recession

The economy is definitely improving in many areas, but the arbiters who declare the beginning and end of economic woes aren’t quite ready to declare an end to the Great Recession just yet.

On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the group of economists who make the declarations, declined to signal an end to the recession it said officially began in December 2007.

“Although most indicators have turned up, the committ...

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What You Need to Know About Virtual Offices and the Law

Did you know that you may need to consider Texas law (or Florida, Alabama or law in some other state) before you launch your virtual office? Indeed, there are laws that you need to consider when employees are going to telecommute from home.

The laws may be different in Miami than they are in Boston, New York City than Seattle. But there are may be zoning issue...

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