Archives for July 2010

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Virtual Offices Help Entrepreneurs Reach Personal, Business Goals

Can surfing the web help you lose weight? It’s possible, according to new research from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research (KPCHR).

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Road Warriors Adopting Consumer Technology, Virtual Offices

It seems everybody wants an iPhone, or some other consumer device. Even business users are eyeing consumer technology these days. So says a study from RSA, the security division of EMC.

The survey looks at the rapid use and adoption of consumer technologies like the iPhone and iPad within the enterprise and the pivotal role users are playing in driving this trend. And this trend goes hand in hand with the use of Read more

Does Old Spice Guy Use a Virtual Office?

Isaiah Mustafa, better known as the Old Spice Guy, is the centerpiece of what some are calling one of the most brilliant ad campaigns ever -- and that was before he became a social-media sensation.

Mustafa, who presents himself in commercials as the perfect man, is now responding directly to questions from Twitter and Facebook followers via 30-second videos posted on a YouTube channel.   Read more

Virtual Office Systems Help Entrepreneurs Avoid Debt

Only half of small businesses that tried to borrow last year got all or most of what they needed, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business. That’s one reason why Sam’s Club is planning to make loans available to its small business customers.

Sam’s Club is launching a business loan pilot program that will make $5,000 to $25,000 loans available to qualifying members. The program also includes low-rate mercha...

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