Archives for October 2019

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8 Tools You Need to Start Your Own Business

 Starting a business can feel daunting, but there are some tools available that will make your life a lot easier. We’re going to list some of the most important ones here.

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6 Tips to Improve Your Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings, if done right, can be a great way to deal with clients and even employees that aren’t in the same area as you. As helpful and powerful a tool as virtual meetings can be, there can also be a lot of pain points when dealing with them. 

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The Benefit Of Social Media Use For Web Content Writers

As of May 2019, there are approximately 3.499 billion active social media users worldwide. Although the various social media platforms are great for keeping in contact with friends and family, they can also be a very useful business tool, especially for virtual workers such as web content writers.

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25 Stats That Prove You Need Live Chat Services

Customers have little patience when it comes engaging with their vendors. Response time and getting customers what they want—whether information, an answer to a question, or solution to a problem—makes or breaks a business in the digital era.

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7 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Avoid Common Legal Missteps

Starting a new business can be one of the most exciting events on your entrepreneurial journey. After all, you're taking an idea you're passionate about and pushing it forward by metaphorically hanging out your shingle so you can share it with the world — and hopefully, lots of potential customers and clients.

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