
Guest Post: Digital Focus Drives Customer Experience for Davinci Virtual Office Solutions

LivePerson published a post on their blog about Davinci Virtual Office Solutions.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 15:01

Mathematician, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer, Leonardo Davinci, the epitome of the Renaissance, possessed unquenchable curiosity unbridled imagination. These ideals were foundational pillars when two business partners—Bill Grodnik, CEO, and Martin Senn, COO, came together in 2005 to form Davinci Virtual Office Solutions.

As a starting point, the two determined that all business with the company—whether marketing or transactional—would happen online. Deploying a world-class website that allowed for engagement with customers spread around the globe was an important starting point.

But this was just one piece to the larger puzzle they assembled. Grodnik and Senn wanted to provide customers with a digital experience that was more than simply a repository of information and an e-commerce transaction; rather, they sought to extend digitally the human touch of its services. It was at this point that Grodnik and Senn turned to LivePerson. Monitoring traffic in real time and proactively approaching customers with offers at the right moment were critical considerations for them.

The LivePerson deployment has evolved to align with Davinci’s business. The initial deployment in 2007 delivered live chat for online sales. This was expanded in 2009 to enhance the company’s customer support strategy. A year later, LivePerson was added for live receptionist services, enabling Davinci receptionists to communicate via live chat with visitors on their customers’ websites. This unique digital engagement feature enables individual entrepreneurs or start-ups to compete at a much higher level.

Last year, Davinci upgraded to the LiveEngage platform to take advantage of its more robust functionality, including improved reporting and enrichment analysis. Davicini also added content targeting and extended LiveEngage to cover inside sales and customer service functions. And thinking outside the box, Grodnik and Senn integrated LiveEngage into Davinci’s Live Web Chat product in September, creating an enhanced revenue stream for the company.

An early adopter in the digital engagement space, Davinci has seen remarkable results—which have only grown over the years. When it comes to Davinci’s transactions, 15% are conducted via live chat, with conversion rate in excess of 26%. And the additions and refinements Davinci made to the LivePerson deployment over the past year are making a substantial difference. For example, live chat conversion rates previously hovered around 15% to 16%. Average order values have also expanded, by about 25% on the virtual office solutions side and 40% for Davinci Meeting Room.

First impressions count. Giving your business the right human touch is pivotal—often making the difference between a successful customer interaction and one that falls short either in terms of subpar customer satisfaction or a failed transaction. This is how Davinci’s customers measure their success, and how Davinci measures its success with LivePerson. So far the results are impressive. But then one would expect only such of a company with a namesake of Davinci.

For more information on how Davinci Virtual Office Solutions is using LiveEngage, check out this customer success story or listen to this Digital Engagement podcast, which contains excerpts from the conversation we had with Martin Senn.


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