
The Benefits of Virtual Offices When You Have a Family

The COVID-19 pandemic effectively changed how and where we do business. While in the past, working in a traditional office used to be the norm and finding a remote job was next to impossible, it has now become commonplace for many people to work from home. As we get back to normal, companies are asking their employees to return to the office, but many parents don’t want to go back. 

That is because, in addition to the time and money saved by not having a commute, working remotely is simply often better for parents who have families at home. The opportunity to be there for your kids and your spouse is worth fighting for, so if you do decide to make an argument for staying remote, consider these perks and benefits.

The Ability To Be There For Your Family

There are many reasons why employees benefit from working remotely via a virtual office, but perhaps the most important perk is the chance to be there for our kids when they need us the most. While most managers will want you to be at work during certain hours of the day, working remotely allows you more flexibility in your schedule, so if you ever need to bring your kids to school or take them to the doctor, there is less of a hassle to do so. Of course, you should always ask your manager for approval before taking off.

The ability to work virtually is especially important if you have a newborn baby at home. While work and the ability to pay your bills are important, so is the health of our children, and your office should respect your request to modify your schedule so you can spend more time with them. The good news is that when we work in a virtual office, we can often take a mobile device with us wherever we go. So, if you need to put your baby down for a nap, then you could bring your tablet with you and still help them get to sleep as you complete a work task.

Mothers should also be afforded the opportunity to take maternity leave without fear of losing their job or being replaced. Even after that leave ends, it may still be necessary to adjust your schedule so you can prioritize your own self-care and help your baby when they need it most. Luckily, when we are remote, our working hours are not dependent on when a physical office is open, so if you ever need to take off a couple of hours during the morning, you can, and you’ll still have the opportunity to stay later in the evening to complete your work.

Save Time And Money

When we work via a virtual office, we are essentially taking the need for a daily commute out of the picture. Even if your company requests that you come into a physical space a couple of days a week, by avoiding a daily commute where you have to drive for many miles or be behind the wheel for hours, you will see that you have a lot more time and money available then you used to in the past.

When you have a growing family, then time is of the essence, and if you don’t have to spend your entire morning driving to your job, you can spend that with your kids. If you aren’t using this time to bring the kids to school, pack their lunches, or do any other miscellaneous tasks, then you can use the free time to exercise. By going for a jog or riding the elliptical, you will not only stay in great shape, but you will also create the natural energy that will get you through the day.

The money that you save by not racking up mileage, filling the gas tank, or constantly maintaining your car can instead be used for school supplies, grocery shopping, and other various costs around the home. By working remotely, you also have the chance to save money that you would spend on daycare costs which can add up to major savings. Use that money to plan a family vacation or a spa day to recharge your batteries.

A Chance To Make A Better World For The Kids

Perhaps the greatest benefit of working remotely from a virtual office is the sustainability benefits that make the world a better place for your children and other generations to come. When we drive to work and operate out of a physical office, we are not doing the environment any favors. The cars that we drive create an endless stream of pollution, the gas needed to operate those vehicles creates harmful vapors, and the electricity necessary to operate office equipment and keep the lights on requires the burning of fossil fuels. 

Even though we still use electricity at home and drive occasionally, we are only producing a fraction of the pollution that is created through a traditional work environment, and you should feel proud that your remote work positively impacts the environment. The fact is that you can do even more when you work remotely to reduce your carbon footprint even further.

For instance, you can eliminate the need to print and waste physical paper by emailing your messages and reports. You can also make it a point to turn off all lights and electronics when you are not in the room, and you can avoid the need to turn them on in the first place by placing your desk near a window so you can use natural light to complete your work. By taking these steps, you are not only helping the world, but you’re also doing what is best for the happiness and health of your family as well.

As you can see, working out of a virtual office offers many awesome benefits for you, your spouse, and your kids. If you do not work remotely now, then consider making a change for the good of your family.


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