
The Pros and Cons of Virtual Receptionist Services

There are many advantages with engaging a Virtual Receptionist these days. We live in an ever-increasing, nomadic, flex-working, work-anywhere/anytime universe where more and more entrepreneurs are constantly on-the-go, and relishing ways to save time, effort and money as they ply their trades and grow their businesses. The old paradigm of ‘having to have an office with an on-site assistant and/or receptionist’ to be in business, is crumbling.

Many who have Virtual Office plans are now taking advantage of Virtual Receptionists to make their work-lives complete, and to function more efficiently…it’s the logical progression of where the world of working and ‘officing’ is going.

Stepping up to the plate to fill the vital function of keeping fleet-of-foot entrepreneurs and executives on track are providers of the valuable feature of professionally administered Virtual Receptionist services. When the right Live Receptionist is chosen, not only does it offer superior administrative and operational output and results, but it also provides a solid, constant human connection to clients and prospects that could otherwise falter and damage business potential and relationships if only recorded, electronic messaging is offered.

Most people by far prefer to speak to a live receptionist rather than to a piece of equipment and leave a Voice Mail message that they’ll wonder if it will get picked up, and when. Live Virtual Receptionist services ensure a greater chance that, not only will the messages be delivered efficiently, but that it will also go packaged with a sense of nuanced human communication that only a person-to-person conversation can transmit. Furthermore, a live Virtual Receptionist provides a name that a caller can capture as a way to guarantee that there’ll be a reliable person and tracking process handling the message.

What a Virtual Receptionist user needs to be careful of is engaging a service that is too small, inexperienced and lacks the resources to follow-through on the delivery of worry-free, flawless phone answering and message delivery service. Precise messaging and services are only as effective as the capability of a Virtual Receptionist provider, which are sometimes nothing more than a locally marketed individual worker fielding calls at their home for a number of clients that they picked up, but that at times can’t juggle multiple calls properly, or at all.

Home-based, singular, individual Virtual Receptionist providers trying to appear to be a larger outfit than they truly are, is a growing concern to be wary of. Make sure you check the resources, capabilities and references of any Virtual Receptionist services you are considering before signing-on. If you value live receptionists, you’re also sure to value reliability and efficiency. That one call screwed-up by an overwhelmed, small Virtual Receptionist might cost you clients, loads of money and other kinds of grief…surely not worth it.

So if you’re thinking of joining the throngs going fully ‘Virtual Office’ and have a great value for the pro representation of you, your business and brand, go fully professional while you’re at it with an impressive, capable, and cost-effective Virtual Receptionist provider that has the resources to handle all your needs efficiently, and with a great ‘phone smile’. It’s a popularizing, mainstreaming service and level of professionalism that far-and-away pays for itself.

Davinci Virtual offers a great team of Live Receptionists to help your business get the image it deserves!

Contact us today!


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