
What to Put on Your Business Card: 7 Essentials You Need to Know

Marketing is crucial if you want your brand to stand out in today's competitive marketplace. While many modern tactics are digital, there is still value in creating traditional marketing products like business cards. But with limited space, what should you put on your business card? What is the most essential information needed these days? Does a business card need an address anymore?

Three Pieces of Essential Information to Include on Your Business Card 

Whether digital or physical, think of your business card as an extension of your brand. It helps people easily understand who you are, what you do, and how to contact you.

Here are three suggestions for what to put on your business card so you can create a memorable impression with your customers.

1. Company name and logo

Your business name and logo are some of the strongest identifiers you have so make sure they're prominent and legible on your business card. Some people assume their name is enough of a marketing marker, but not everyone you give your business card to will remember the link between your company and you. Make the connection easy for them.

2. Name and title

On your business card, it's helpful if you list your name and your title or occupation, even if it seems obvious. Think about the business cards you have collected over the years. Do you recall the details of every meeting? The more you can connect the dots for people, the better your chances of your card being saved, and of them actually contacting you for the right type of work.

3. Contact information

Effective marketing results in leads and sales, and one of the best ways to ensure this happens is through making it easy for people to get in touch. But in today's digital world, what level of contact info do you need to list? For example, does a business card need an address?

Well, it depends on how you want to keep in touch with customers. Figure out how you want them to interact with you and list that information on your business card. Here are a few types of contact information to consider adding, if it makes sense for your business.

Helpful Contact Information to Add to Your Business Card

1. Website

While you don't have much space to get your message across on a business card, your website affords you much more room. List your website URL on the card and let your website do the rest.

2. Email address and/or phone number

Many customers prefer making initial contact by email or phone so if that fits in your business model, make these details easy to find and use.

3. Social media handles

If social media is where you conduct business, then listing your primary profiles on your business card is a great use of space. Only list your active profiles so you don't miss inquiries on lesser-used social media networks.

4. Location 

Adding your location and physical address gives your business an extra level of professionalism and legitimacy. If you operate a brick-and-mortar company, then listing at least your street address will be a big benefit to your foot traffic. 

If your business isn't tied to a specific location or is run from a virtual office, adding your location could still help people remember you if they come across your business card a few months after meeting you. If you're not sure if your business card needs a physical address, FrugalMarketing.com goes more in depth on this question.

Make Your Business Card Feature Quality Not Quantity

With all of the options you have for designing business cards it's important to keep in mind why you're creating them: to market your business. So think about the information your customers need to know and list that on your business card. At minimum it should contain your business name, your name, and your contact information. Beyond that, choose sparingly. Keep what you need and leave everything else off.


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