
5 Ways Your Company Can Benefit from Using Outbound Calling Services

Outbound calling services have always been a popular resource for a wide range of industries, but with the recent and rapid developments in the digital age, this service is more important than ever.

Always a viable resource for growing companies, outbound calling services have never been so powerful and beneficial as they are now. The rise of the digital age revolutionized consumerism and fostered a growing demand for speed, service, and convenience.

Your business has so much to gain from using outbound calling services, but before we jump into the benefits, we’d like to make one very important distinction between outsourcing your calls to a call center vs. a live receptionist.

A call center is far less personal than a live receptionist (or a small team of agents) that are dedicated to your client base. At a call center, your customer’s calls are scattered all over the call floor to a large number of different agents who may be serving several different companies at any given time.

That just sounds like a recipe for poor customer service and disappointing conversion rates.

In this article, it’s important for you to know that we are not referring to a massive, impersonal call center. This article is about the greatest advantages that come with using outbound calling services from a small, dedicated team of virtual receptionists. So let’s get to it!

Lower Overhead Costs

It will cost far less to outsource your needs to a small virtual team than to hire in-house employees stacked with tax obligations, health benefits, and office equipment.

According to a report by Indeed, the average hourly wage of an in-house outbound sales representative is $13.28. For a full-time representative, you’re looking at an annual salary of about $27K. Now tack on the cost of training, commissions, bonuses, benefits, equipment, employer taxes, and all the extra little perks sprinkled throughout the year.

It’s safe to say that hiring a new outbound call agent costs at least $60k each year, or $5,000 a month. By contrast, you could hire a small team of agents to handle your outbound calls for far less. Take Davinci for example: our premium plans start at just $249 a month! 

Better Customer Service

It’s not easy to manage all of your contacts, reach out to new leads, and run your business all at the same time. This type of juggling act is one surefire way to stifle your customer service. The modern-day consumer expects great customer service. They desire to feel valued, like their questions or concerns are well worth your time.

By outsourcing your call services, you can ensure your customers and leads are getting the time and attention they need. Rather than trying to do it all, leave your customer relations to a small team of outbound call agents who know your company and your customers inside and out for better customer service.

Boosted Availability

When you’re taking and making all the calls in house, your service is limited to the hours in which you’re working. It’s the standard 9-5 with a lunch break in between. And what happens when your outbound agent is out sick or on vacation? Does lead generation and nurturing come to a halt? It shouldn’t.

When you outsource your calls using outbound calling services, you can rely on your team of agents to be available for calls even when you’re not. Boost your hours of availability, make more calls, reach new leads, and show your clientele how reliable your brand is.

Make More Money

Outbound calling is all about forming new relationships, reaching new leads, and proactively selling your products or services. A team of experienced outbound call agents can start raking in results long before your new in-house representative has even completed their training.

Have you ever thought about how much money you could make if you had all the time in the world to call, call, and call some more? Your outbound call team won’t be bound by the restrictions of operating a business—they are there to make calls and achieve your outbound goals on a consistent basis free of interruptions.

More Free Time

We don’t need to tell you how much time you can save by taking full advantage of outbound calling services. Just think about all the time you or your employees spend making calls to confirm information, schedule client meetings, qualify leads, and nurture potential customers through the long buyer’s journey.

Now think about all the things you could do with that time instead. When you back your business with a team of dedicated outbound call agents, you can free up a great deal of time to put toward high-impact tasks and other responsibilities.

Outbound Calling Services with Davinci

Make more money, save more time, and experience true business growth with Davinci outbound calling services and beyond. In addition to taking and making calls on behalf of your brand, we also offer call forwarding, automated receptionists, voicemail management, and exceptional customer care.

Experience a new level of growth with Davinci today. Contact one of our experienced agents to get started!


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