
Top tips for helping your employees start working remotely

 For millions of professionals around the world, working from home has become a feature of everyday life. Whilst there were (and still are) many reservations around how this new normal would work in reality, it seems that remote working is here to stay. As a result, it is important to establish effective working measures for your remote-first workforce, in order to limit disruption to the business as best as possible. 

As a manager, it is ultimately your responsibility to effectively oversee this shift, but what can you do to help your staff make a smoother transition to this new way of working? Here are three ways you can help your employees to help you as they begin working remotely. 

Clarify job description and expectations 

This is an important aspect of effective management in normal working life, but even more so when you are not coming face to face with staff every day. 

When employees begin working remotely, boundaries between professional and home life become blurred, and maintaining an effective work-life balance becomes more of a challenge. So, it’s important to outline exactly what is expected of employees when working away from the office, to both encourage productivity and support their general wellbeing. 

A lack of clarity over professional expectations can not only lead to feelings of alienation amongst employees, but not knowing what’s expected of them can also cause stress. Both of these factors can contribute to workplace burnout, which could ultimately result in job dissatisfaction and increased absence from work. 

Implement a WFH budget 

When your staff are all in the office, all employees are working on a level playing field with shared resources giving everyone the best chance to be productive at work.  But when working remotely, some people might not have access to certain technology, or the correct equipment to best support effective home working. This is where implementing a home working budget could be useful to help give everyone equal opportunities to succeed. 

Consider creating a checklist outlining all of the necessary equipment and technology that employees need to complete their work, and encourage staff to complete a personal assessment of their home working space. The checklist will include things like a strong internet connection, a microphone and access to any relevant software. It should also advise employees about how to create a setup that best supports their posture and physical health, and a WFH budget could be used to create the optimal home working conditions. 

Utilise virtual technology 

Staying connected when managing a remote workforce is essential to the success of your business. Not only do you need to maintain effective communication channels with your staff, but also with your clients. 

With people away from the office, consider using an automated receptionist to ensure that any business calls or potential clients don’t slip through the net. Find out more about how an auto receptionist can help your company. 

You may also need to familiarise yourself and your team with video conferencing platforms like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Establishing effective communication channels will not only help with the day-to-day running of your business, but it can also help to maintain company culture and support employees’ wellbeing. 



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