
5 Steps to Hiring the Right Freelancers for Your Business

Maybe you want to improve your company’s sales and marketing strategies, but you don’t know where to begin. Perhaps you’re even interested in pursuing marketing trainings through Trav Media to learn more about advertising and sales. In the meantime, hiring freelancers who possess the sales and marketing skills you need can help you expand your company’s reach. Davinci Virtual Office Solutions outlines how to find the best freelancers for your latest projects. 

Consider “Off-The-Shelf” Software

First, stop to consider whether or not you really need a freelancer to tackle a particular task. You may be able to save money by utilizing off-the-shelf software to get the job done. ResQSoft states that off-the-shelf software refers to any software program that companies can buy and use with little to no customization or configuration required. This includes customer relationship management software, resource planning programs, accounting software, quality system databases, and more.

Form an LLC

Forming an LLC will help you attract better freelancers — having a registered business enables you to come across as professional and organized so skilled, experienced freelancers will have a better impression of you. Plus, registering your business as an LLC will grant you tax breaks, limited liability, and flexibility. Your state will have its own guidelines for LLC registration. In order to register without paying the high fees for a lawyer, you can submit your forms to start an LLC through an online formation service.   

Searching for Contractors

Before you start searching for contractors with a background in sales and marketing, narrow down what you specifically need them for. A content marketer who specializes in search engine optimization will have a different skill set than a social media manager. As you put together a project description for job boards, Freelancer Map recommends including rates, a project brief, and a general timeline for the project. If it’s an ongoing role, make sure to mention this and specify if you will need the freelancer to come on-site at any time. 

The Screening Process

You’ve received some responses to your project description, but how can you make sure that you choose the best candidate for the job? Check out any samples the freelancers have sent and ensure that their work matches up with your general expectations. 

You may also want to interview promising candidates about their experience. Talk about the results they have seen from their sales and marketing work. For example, can they provide statistics proving that their efforts increased website traffic, boosted sales, or converted more leads? Remember, when it comes to sales and marketing, you want to look for contractors who are results-oriented with consistent track records of bringing more customers and sales to their clients.

Onboarding Strategy

You’ve found a few contractors who would be a great fit for your company, and now, it’s time to start the onboarding process. During this stage, CoverWallet notes that taking care of any legal paperwork is crucial — you will need them to fill out relevant tax forms, and one party will need to provide the other with a contract outlining the rates and terms of services. You will also have to enter the contractors into your payroll system so that you do not miss any timely payments. Finally, set them up with accounts on your communication and project management platforms if necessary!

Figuring out how to best market your products and services can be challenging. But by hiring freelancers with expertise in sales and marketing, you can connect with new clients. With these tips, you’ll be able to round out your staff with accomplished freelancers!

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