
Best Practices for Remote Employees During The COVID-19 Quarantine

As an employee, you may work from home for a variety of reasons. Maybe your company offers the benefit to work from anywhere with flexible hours, or it’s possible that your team is entirely remote. But currently, many individuals are being told to work from home due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19. While some may not experience a shift in their work style, others are needing to make more significant adjustments, both personally and professionally—this includes parents, pet owners or employees with roommates. 

It’s important to care for your own well-being to protect yourself and others, companies are also showing a lot of support to their staff to make sure that time working from home is as enjoyable as possible. It’s also imperative to hold yourself accountable when it comes to preparation and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while indoors. 

As an employee affected by COVID-19, here are some tips to consider while social distancing:

Create a Routine

Establishing a consistent routine is crucial while you’re working from home. Doing so will give you more control over your lifestyle and can help you get things done without procrastinating. It is known that the best way to start the day is by making your bed, as this is a chore that establishes a structured morning. Including healthy habits within your daily routine is a plus as well. This will not only decrease your chances of getting sick, but it can lower stress and anxiety levels too, and the process of working! As you complete things throughout the day, check tasks off of a list to show yourself progress and validation for your accomplishments. It is possible to be just as productive at home, it’s all about how you manage your time and prioritizing a positive mindset. 

Communicate Well with Consumers and Other Businesses

Self-isolation can potentially come with a feeling of loneliness, especially if you’re living by yourself. Knowing that some of your coworkers could feel the same way too, it’s important to establish a communication system for not only work-related must-do’s, but for simple catchups to ensure everyone is doing well while at home. If this is something that isn’t company-wide there are many resources, you can take advantage of to schedule your own remote meetings or calls. Having a chat with your coworkers can be both a way to say on top of the things you need to do, as well as a way to debrief from a stressful schedule or situation.

Along with this, business to consumer communication might become tricky, as well as making business deals and keeping up with any incoming calls. Depending on your schedule, your business could utilize a virtual receptionist service to help with anything from customer care, to administrative tasks. Having this kind of assistant can take some stress off of your back and give you more time to focus on other aspects of your day to day while working from home.

Watch Your Finances Carefully

In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s essential to stock up on food and other supplies that you may need over a two-week period. This necessary step comes with an opportunity to budget and track how much you're spending; as needing to buy a lot of food and other items at once can affect your bank account. If you’re a part of an organization that is currently being negatively affected by COVID-19, make sure you’re using a reliable bank account or expense management platform that can not only track the amount of money you have, but one that will give you the extra benefits you need while you’re income status is subpar. There are options that give people a debit card without overdraft fees and features that allow live notification updates, all in the form of a downloadable app. It’s vital to take advantage of financial services that benefit you, not hurt you and your work lifestyle.

Keep Your Workspace Organized

It is highly known that the space you’re in has a significant impact on the way you feel. Whether or not you have a desk at home, it’s vital to create a work environment that is tranquil to foster motivation and calmness while doing your job to the best of your ability, and remotely. Plants, photos or even a notebook and pen organizer can be items that transform your home office aesthetic. In this situation, don’t be afraid to transport things from your main office to your abode safely. Replicating the look of your in-office workspace could be something that helps you adjust to both to a setting that is associated with both living and working temporarily.

Establish Time for Self-Care

While this can be a difficult time for many, find time out of your day to debrief and practice a form of self-care. Whether it’s exercising, doing a face mask or simply calling a family member for a quick chat, each can make you feel less overwhelmed and could take you out of a potential work slump. If your job consists of continuous computer time, step away from the screen to let your eyes rest from blue light. Too much work on a desktop or laptop can make your eyes heavy and cause extreme fatigue. In this case, feel comfortable scheduling time to make yourself feel rejuvenated! That way when you go back to work, you’re ready to conquer the rest of your hours.

Companies are essentially huge teams that have the capability to support one another through difficult times. If you’ve determined a remote routine that works, share it with your coworkers to spread the love. You never know who it could impact.

For more information and updates on the coronavirus , check out this resource.


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