
6 Pandemic Innovations You Can Leverage Even Once Live Events Return

The coronavirus pandemic turned our world upside down and we all had to adapt quickly. In-person seminars shifted online, networking events were canceled, and most of us became a lot more familiar with working remotely. But now that things are slowly opening back up and live events are on the horizon, what pandemic innovations will still be useful?

Here are 6 to keep in mind. 

1. Don’t default to in-person meetings

You’ve likely been to one of those meetings that drag on and on without any true recognizable purpose. You leave and think, “That could’ve been an email.” Well, the pandemic showed us that we don’t need in-person meetings for business to go on. While they certainly can be helpful for certain conversations, they are not always necessary. 

We now know that many meetings can be virtual (which can save companies large amounts in travel expenses) and others can be handled via email (which can help prevent Zoom fatigue). The key is analyzing the information you need to share and selecting the most effective and efficient mode of communication for everyone involved. Don’t default to in-person meetings!

2. Nurture your network online

Once stay-at-home orders were put in place around the globe, life came to a screeching halt. Many of us went from being out and about all day to being home 24/7, and networking events were completely out of the question. 

The result? Many turned to online channels to stay in touch — from social channels like LinkedIn and communication platforms like Slack to video chats through Zoom. Sure, you may have had some embarrassing moments like talking with the mute button turned on or having a family member make a guest appearance but that was part of the learning curve.  Now, as live events resume, you are likely more tech-savvy. 

Continuing to use digital channels in addition to in-person networking can help you to reach a wider audience and maintain stronger ongoing relationships with your network. 

3. Adopt online presentations and training seminars

Pre-pandemic, many companies hadn’t made the switch to digital presentations or training seminars. However, when they had to, they found that digital presentations could be just as, if not more, effective. 

As live events return, you may find that you don’t need them as often as you thought. Or, you may follow up your live events with digital versions of the presentations for the audience to drive home the messaging. 

4. Utilize digital product launch campaigns

Live events are a popular way to create buzz about an upcoming product or service launch. However, during the pandemic, many companies realized the power of online marketing to create a similar buzz at a lower cost. 

Launching campaigns across multiple digital channels including social platforms, email campaigns, blogs, etc. can reach a large audience and can strategically guide them into your buyer’s funnel. As live events resume, digital campaigns can and should play a larger role in launch strategies. 

5. Expand your remote workforce

The pandemic taught the world that remote work is very possible, even for companies who’d previously imagined it wasn’t. As an employer, one of the benefits of working remotely is that all of your employees do not have to be near your physical location. They can work from home, coworking spaces, and even rental meeting rooms when needed. This widens the pool of talent you can bring onto your team. As live events resume and people go back to the office, you can continue to offer employees the option to telecommute.

Want to make sure it goes smoothly? Learn tips for working remotely long-term. 

6. Have a back-up plan

Lastly, if there’s one main theme of 2020 it’s that we all need to expect the unexpected. Everything can change at the flip of a switch and you need to be open and ready to adapt. You have to stay focused on what you can do and keep moving forward. 

When it comes to live events, that means being prepared with a back-up plan. If the event gets canceled, can you still relay the information? Could you send a digital presentation to the invitees? Always have a back-up plan. 

Navigating business post-pandemic 

While 2020 was a tough year with a great deal of loss, there was certainly some silver lining. We learned about overcoming adversity and how to keep business chugging along even while socially distancing. As live events begin popping up again and you get to reunite in-person, don’t forget these six things that we learned during the pandemic. They can not only help your business become even more successful but can ensure it is protected against a similar situation in the future. 


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