
Creating an Airbnb for Offices

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‎Moving Up: E124: Martin Senn (Davinci Virtual) - Creating an Airbnb for offices on…

‎Show Moving Up, Ep E124: Martin Senn (Davinci Virtual) - Creating an Airbnb for offices - Feb 19, 2020



Davinci Virtual CEO, Martin Senn, talks with Alex Grodnik on the Moving Up podcast about his European upbringing, how he got started in the virtual office space industry,  and what the future looks like for businesses. 

When asked what a virtual office is, Martin says, “a virtual office is defined as having the ability to use a business address but without the physical office space and the long term contracts.” Virtual offices give businesses a sense of identity and professional appearance. However, since virtual offices lower overhead costs by getting rid of physical office space, Martin and his team also came up with the idea of davincimeetingrooms.com where meeting rooms and conference rooms can be rented by the hour or day. Martin then talks about the decision to not own and operate the real estate, but rather operate as an Airbnb-type system in the industry, which helps generate revenue for both Davinci and their partners.  

To learn more about virtual office spaces and renting meeting rooms, please visit www.davincivirtual.com or www.davincimeetingrooms.com or contact 877-419-6583.


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