
7 Benefits a Virtual Office Has for Home Businesses

A virtual office has many benefits for a home business: some are obvious and some are more subtle. There are financial benefits and practical benefits, but there are also benefits related to optics and reputation.

We’re going to go over some of the biggest benefits for you here.


When you have a home business, there are lots of documents and places where you need to give an address. You may need to use your real home address for a city business license, but beyond that you may not want your home address posted everywhere.

There are privacy reasons why you may not want to disclose your real address, but more importantly, your business appears more serious if you have a downtown business address.

If you set up an account on, for example, Google My Business, which is becoming more and more important, a physical location is necessary. Your business will appear more legitimate and more serious if you can display a business address in a business location rather than the address of your mom’s house in a questionable neighborhood.

This is something that Davinci Virtual Office Solutions can help with. Davinci can make available to you a business address in a business location, and Davinci operates all over the world.


If you’re operating a home-based business, you likely have very few or no employees. That means that you will never be available 24/7. Davinci Virtual Office Solutions can provide someone to answer the phone for you when you’re not available.

It’s much better to have a live person answer the phone than to have your phone always going straight to voicemail. If a potential client or customer calls your “main” number, and it always goes to voicemail, that person is going to suspect that you are short-staffed and will wonder if you can do the job.

Commuting and Office Dress Code

One big advantage of having a home-based business and a virtual office is the savings you make by not having to commute every day to work and not having to dress for work, either.

Transportation to and from work can be a big expense. There’s your car, gas, car maintenance and insurance, and parking to worry about, for starters. If you use public transportation, you still have to buy tickets or passes. None of that applies to a virtual office.

Not commuting has another great unintended benefit: it’s eco-friendly. Every day that you don’t drive to work, that’s pollution that’s not going into the air from your vehicle.

In addition, you won’t have to get dressed for the office. If you work at home, you can wear anything you want because no one will see you unless you have a video conference.

For those who work in an office, there’s not only the specific clothes that you need, but also the other expenses associated with them like dry cleaning or laundry and ironing.

With a virtual office, everyone will operate just fine without your presence there.

Office Space

One of the reasons that you are likely operating at home is because you can’t afford to have a big, fancy downtown office. By operating at home, you will have a much lower overhead or lower fixed expenses.

But that poses the problem, where will you have meetings? In your mom’s kitchen? Do you really want clients coming to your home?

Davinci Meeting Rooms can be where you hold meetings. No one has to know that you don’t work there every day. You can have a beautiful boardroom in a good location with all the technical wiring and gadgets necessary to make a successful presentation.


And speaking of gadgets, that’s another advantage of the virtual office. You don’t have to outfit and furnish boardrooms. The company that you use for meeting rooms (like Davinci) has that already set up.

You don’t have to invest in all the hardware needed to make sophisticated presentations because it’s already there on site.


As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest advantages of operating a business at home is the low overhead. However, that low overhead comes with some disadvantages, too.

We would all love to have big beautiful office spaces with giant windows and view of the ocean in a great location. The reality, however, is that most small businesses can’t afford that. 

Having a virtual office gives you all the advantages of having that business space available to you, but none of the disadvantages of having to pay for a big lease—one that will be hard to get out of if your business is in financial difficulty.

The money saved is not limited to overhead. As mentioned earlier, you will also save money on transportation, clothing, technology, and maybe even on childcare or a dog walker.

You Will Be Happier

The most important advantage of working from home and using a virtual office is that it’s likely you will be happier overall. In at least one study, those who worked remotely from home and didn’t have to go to an office every day were significantly happier, more than 20% happier.

There are big cost savings to using a virtual office. Having a company like Davinci provide office space and technology only when you need it, and staff, again, only when you need them, without long-term commitments, is a great practical solution for any home business.

Saving money is critical to the success of a small business. But being happier while you’re doing that, is of arguably even greater importance. Talk to us at Davinci if you want to try using a virtual office.

Davinci Virtual Office Solutions is a global provider of business addresses and all kinds of office support. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about any of our virtual office services including office space or meeting rooms, please call us toll-free at (877) 453-3430.


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