Archives for August 2016

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Work-life Balance While On Vacation

The degree of required work-life balance to feel productive, fulfilled and ‘balanced’ varies from individual-to-individual, culture-to-culture and situation-to-situation. Work-life balance doesn’t automatically mean less work … it means feeling the most productive, fulfilled and successful in meeting the individual demands of a person’s daily needs without feeling overworked, overstressed or exhausted.

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6 Ways to Start a Business with $5k in the Bank

 When Brian Hooks and his daughters Emma and Lily started their business, ScreenMend, they had big dreams but not much to show for all their efforts. With a small investment and just over $4,000 in sales, the future seemed dim. However, after securing an investment from Shark Tank’s Lori Greiner, the company quickly grew and currently has over $1,000,000 in sales. As unrealistic as it may seem, you CAN start and grow a business with a small investment. In this article, we’ll review 6 strategies to start a business with a $5,000 investment.

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