Davinci Blog


7 Benefits Of Live Web Chat Service In 2021

Live web chat became a critical element of many websites—both for sales and service. The reasons for adopting live web chat were myriad, and many embraced it to realize the benefits. Touted outcomes included better conversion rates, lower bounce rates, higher customer engagement and satisfaction, lower costs as compared to traditional phone engagement.

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How Live Web Chat Can Benefit Your Law Firm

When it comes your existing clients, they also want multiple engagement options—phone, email, online self-service, live web chat, and text. Rarely does one engagement channel suffice, but rather they want to engage with you at any time, on any device through their channel of choice.

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How to Appear More Professional to Your Clients: 5 Ways to Start

Over the course of my career, I’ve had a chance to meet and interview hundreds of executives around the globe from enterprises such as Vodafone, United, BNY Mellon, Ford, Sealed Air, France Telecom, Visa, NASDAQ, Thai Airways, eBay, Barclays, and countless others. One of the key takeaways from these interviews and interactions is the professionalism—the individual executives as well as the companies they represent. Nearly every one of them talked, acted, and dressed their role. Rarely did I meet with one of the executives and leave doubting their professionalism or that of the company they represented.

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“Walking the Talk” When It Comes to Customer Experience

Talking and walking should be synonymous when it comes to customer experience. But the reality is that many businesses fail when it comes to “walking a good talk.” And money talks in this case. More than 90 percent of marketing budgets is spent trying to get customers to call; only six percent is actually spent on the operations for handling the call.

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Making First Impressions Count: 9 Factors for Consideration

In his best-selling book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell finds that first impressions—whether professional or personal—happen in a matter of seconds. Individuals connect with other people and companies based on their initial perception. Further, getting beyond that experience is nearly impossible once the connection is made. Indeed, research shows that first impressions even overrule facts in the lasting perceptions a person has of another person or business.


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